25 September 2014

Before The Holocaust

So society puts a small boy with ambition

In charge of a button marker DANGER,
And knowing that he is a smart politician
Goes back to its trough and its manger.

But a small boy plays games, adopts roles and acts parts
And, as boys do, grows up tall and broad,
Plays with diamonds and spades and with clubs and with hearts
And has been been known to play God.

And sometimes a role or a part doesn't suit,
And here are the visions that linger:
The petulant stamp of a petulant foot
And the petulant thrust of a finger.

17 July 2014

A Course Of Action

Something must be done!
Something drastic, something
to assuage the bleak, black guilt
felt for all the whales, the dolphins
flown to their icarus suns,

for all the black babes in Africa
metamorphosed into
matchstick men by fat, white
market forces everywhere,

for all the blistered lungs,
the profitably powdered
living bone, the purple pulp
of the imploding, pulsing flesh
of peasants in three continents.

Something must be done.
Something personal to me,
and enraged symbology,
a protest with posters,
a suicidal leap perhaps
from a ground-floor window.

13 June 2014

How About A Poem

Something of beauty
in its sounds,
in its images.

in its meanings,
in its insights.

of deep feeling,
of soul-searching.

A touch of melancholy
for the melancholy man.



Intent on telling the tales
of the saint who grassed
to the secret police
on his father's politics,

and the angel
in the bar of Heaven,

18 May 2014


I have just returned from a visit to the Nazi death camps at Auschwitz- Birkenau. I blog about it here and include this poem.  
It seems appropriate to post the poem again here too. Jude x

A curtain corner raised,
I witnessed Jews,
enlightened since their passage
through the Auschwitz ovens,
rescuing former camp guards
from the stinking pits
remorse had dug for them.

I bring it to your attention
you bombers, you famine makers,
you adjusters of populations.
These children you kill
might learn, by this light,
a love which, brought to bear,
could drive you screaming mad.

14 April 2014


Cry rivers,
Rage rapids,
Croon the deep dark loch's
Eternal mystery.

Move and are
Like a glacier,

Am waist-deep
In you,

Drown gladly
In your discharges.

7 April 2014

Funeral In Lewis

We lowered the coffin ourselves into
the grave and threw the cords on top.

Sea-wind, gentle for Lewis, stroked
my face. The poem sounded right
and I consigned John's body to
the raw, cleansing earth and commended
his spirit to the love of our
ancestors. Amen. Nor was that
pretentious. I could have accepted
his saying the same over me.

We did the filling-in ourselves
and left the old grave-keeping man
treading the turfs across the scar,
stooped, deliberate, at home
among the random headstones.

Crossing The Minch, and on that long
car journey south from Ullapool
I thought about the funeral.
I thought it was an honest one.
I think it was an honest one.

29 March 2014

Are You Listening?

Paying attention
one to another
lights us up
blows the breath of life
up our noses.

Being dead
doesn't mean
we've gone away.
It merely means
we're paying attention
to something else.

14 February 2014

Our Love

Not for nothing
did the love that we have known
last all these years.
It is no small thing -
though we be small -
the force that flashed between us
and went on.

Unattenuated by the law
of the inverse square
which gutters light
and is the quenching maw
of the magnetic spectrum,
our little fondnesses
which modulate love's carrier wave
are taken in an instant,
with no reference to velocity,
outwards in quantum leaps
to the very rim of time.

Any lovers anywhere
could tap and live our love
with just a prayer,
a suitable antenna,
and perhaps a flair
for frequency.

It is no small thing,
our love,
our spiralling,